Sophos Anti-Rootkit Download Sophos Anti-Rootkit

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2.5 irus%20Removal%20Tool.exe
187 MB irus%20Removal%20Tool.exe
language en
license: ShareWare Download
Sophos Anti-Rootkit is a "rootkit" detection and removal software. "Rootkits" are especially harmful tools used by hackers. Hackers are unauthorized access to these malicious tools, hiding themselves on the computer they are attacking, and have unlimited rights to use computer administrators. In addition, hackers can harm personal and corporate computer systems in a very silent manner by making "rootkits" and other harmful tools they use (Trojan horses, spyware, worms) confidential. In other words, "rootkits" provide both hidden and hidden malicious tools. Sophos Anti-Rootkit software performs "rootkits" to prevent harm to your system. The software, which can identify all popular "rootkits" with the database it has, can successfully remove these harmful ones from the system. Employee applications scan the Windows Registry and all your hard drives in a very fast way to identify these malfunctioning exploits and remove hidden tools they find on the system. The software, which is quite small in size, is also very simple to use. It already has a useful interface and it starts to process with a click.
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