This program is an Intelligent Board Lock program developed to protect smart boards from unauthorized, unauthorized use.
With this Lock Program, you can open Smart boards using USB Bells and Mobile Switch from your mobile phone.
In addition, students are able to open smart boards and use the unauthorized lessons while listening to music and watching movies. Can make multiple Flash Memory Usb Key at the same time.
Mobile App with Android and IOS (IPHONE) Operating system Smartboard Unlock by creating Mobile Key from Mobile phones and tablets (Google Play Strore and Usbkey Mobile Key from AppStore can be downloaded free of charge).
Clean up the virus in the Kasör.exe infected with flash memory and make hidden files visible.
Flash memory in the flash memory, even if the memory reminder feature to open the board. Record how smart the user is using each board Key To be able to open smart boards with daily usage password that is produced daily without Flash Memory. You do not need to enable ADMINISTRATOR user on smart boards for installation. While the smart board lock screen with the Vague Word editor can be shown the traumatic words of education. Preventing the DeepFrezee Program from being disabled. Disable the Task Manager and 3rd Party Task Manager Programs. Closing the App with Self-Protection feature and preventing the deletion of the files of the App Saving smart board user settings to file and loading settings from other file When you wait on the Smart Board Lock screen, move the smart board to SLEEP MODE after a certain period of time. The smart board lock screen can be enabled to keep it open in recesses by activating the retention feature. 1.USBKey Admin: We need to install USBKey Admin on our desktop PC or laptop to create a Usb Lock or Mobile Key on Smart Boards. With this program, we can use any flash memory as an Usb Lock (usb key) to unlock Smart Boards. Here are a few important points to note. 1-Identifying the SCHOOL CODE and security SECURITY CODE in the USBKey Admin Program The School code and Security code ensure that Key Memory you create is unique. In this way, Smart Board Locks created in another program can not open your smart boards. For this, the school code and the security code must be strictly protected. If it is possible, it is better if the other people do not know the system responsible. As a school code, you can use the institution code or create a different code that you want. Your security code is automatically generated by the system. You can also set this code yourself. In this way, the keys created in other programs can not open your board. If both codes are obtained, the keys created using the program's DEMO water will turn your boards. You should pay attention to this issue. You can also download the USBkey Mobile Key App from Google Play and AppStore and create a Mobile Key with Android and IOS (IPHONE) Smart Phone. To do this, the mobile application must be activated. In addition, in the USBKey User Program, which will be installed on smart boards, the SCHOOL CODE and SECURITY CODE must be the same as the USBKey Admin Program. Otherwise, the key we created does not open the board. You can track how long each teacher is using smart boards by filling out the Teacher Name and Teacher No fields. Example: Using USBKey Admin to create a key flash. 1-Enter the name of the school. 2-Specify the school code and security key. 3-You can specify the validity period of the switch. 4-Enter teacher name and Teacher no presentation. 5-Select one or more of the available memories. 6-Click Create Key Disk button. 2.USBKey User: USBKey User can use smart boards to prevent unauthorized people from opening them. When the program is installed, the system is placed at the opening of the system and is activated as soon as the system is turned on. It will wait for you to insert your key flash memory on the board or enter a daily password for the period you specify. If you do not enter the password during this time, the system automatically turns off. If you insert your key memory during this time, the lock is unlocked and you can use the smart board as desired. You can make settings for smart board by pressing Settings button. The default password is 12345. Using the Settings window, we can make many settings as shown above. The most important is the SCHOOL CODE and SECURITY CODE that must be the same as in the USBKey Admin Program. If you want to make the same settings on the other boards, you can save the settings to the file and then