empleOS is an x86_64, multi-tasking, multi-cored, public domain, open source,
ring-0-only, single-address-map (identity-mapped), non-networked, PC operating
system for recreational programming. It's like paging is not used.
Here's a "Hello World" joke. Look at BMP file format and WAV file format and
ask yourself how they could screw-them-up so badly.
Normally, failure to do every sort of task is not an option for operating
systems. Since TempleOS accompanies Windows or Linux, however, failure is an
option. We can exclude many usages. There is no reason to duplicate browsing,
multimedia, desktop publishing, etc. Instead, it is simple, fun, and beautiful.
I capped the line-of-code count at 100,000, so it will never be ugly.
Currently, it is 79,911 lines of code. God's temple must be perfect, so
backward compatibility is not promised.