ProgTV Android

ProgTV Android APK

tv monitoring application from internet

language en
license: FreeWare Download
Last version 2.90.1

34 MB

ProgTV - A simple, useful multi-purpose software that is prepared to listen to TV and radio channels over the Internet or local network.

Support for Various Types of Data Sources:

- "IPTV" via "HTTP / TS" or "UDP-Proxy".

- M3U (M3U8), XSPF one and more channel list support. Channel logos, Contacts, are updated automatically.

- Contacts in XMLTV and JTV format (EPG) Support (including zip, gzip) - Internet TV and Radio. ITV format list (from ProgDVB)

- Kartina TV, Xtream-Codes IPTV panel, ...

- Torrent TV Links in M3U or other connection format format.

- DVB over IP. - SAT> IP.

- Receiving channels to your DVB device via the Internet with the ProgDVB Client.

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