Nimbuzz Messenger

Nimbuzz Messenger APK

Nimbuzz Messenger download

language en
license: FreeWare Download
Last version 1.8.23

12 MB

Free messages, Free Calls. Unlimited! Nimbuzz Messenger combines the power of internet and smart phone messenger into one, and lets you make cheap international voice calls.

send unlimited chat messages, share files on any mobile device across popular messengers.

Nimbuzz Messenger is available on Android, iOS, Blackberry, Symbian, Java, Windows and Mac. Nimbuzz Messenger lets you chat with your buddies on Facebook, Gtalk 24x7 for free. Connect your address book and share unlimited photos, files, music and videos with other friends of yours on Facebook and Gtalk . You can also connect with your friends on Twitter using our popular chat buddy.

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