FREE TRAVEL APP TO BE MISSED: Start saving on your intercity trips! BlaBlaCar connects drivers who are traveling in their own vehicle and have empty seats, and passengers who want to go in the same direction, so both parties share the travel costs.
The best prices for intercity trips are at BlaBlaCar: Istanbul - Ankara 32TL, Bursa - Istanbul 11TL, Istanbul - Izmir 34TL.
• Search for the route you want to go
• Select one of the ride ads and contact the driver
• Travel together and save on travel costs.
No more traveling alone with empty seats in your vehicle. You can share your journey and share fuel costs with your fellow travelers.
• Post a ride in seconds
• Passengers send you a message through the application
• Travel together and share fuel costs.
BlaBlaCar is a ridesharing network, not a professional transport service. The cost contribution that drivers can claim per seat is limited. Thus, it is ensured that drivers only share their travel expenses.