Akbank Direkt

Akbank Direkt IPA

akbank iOS application

language tr
license: FreeWare Download
Last version 4.16.0

The Akbank Direct Mobile application now offers a unique mobile banking experience with the personalized home page and the Google Play Store with its unique design and unique user experience so that you can carry out your banking transactions anytime, anywhere. In addition, a single password to access facilities in Turkey and provide input possibility for the first time credit card information.
with Akbank Direct Mobile app, whenever you need, intraday the money transfer process the image, your many banking transactions until the payment of the loan transaction card debt easily. When you log in for the first time with your customer number, your customer number, user name and Akbank Direct Cipher; When you log in for the first time with your credit card, enter your credit card number, expiration date of your card, and card password. In all your subsequent entries, if you are entering your customer number for the first time, only Akbank Direct Ciphers; If you have entered with your credit card number, you can only log in with a credit card. In addition, you can even benefit from the nearest Akbank and foreign exchange calculation modules included in the application, even if you are an Akbank customer.
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